Message Date: Tuesday 24th November 2020
Dear members,
- The link below will let you know the LTA’s latest guidelines as of this morning, confirming that clubs can reopen when the present lockdown finishes at 00.01 next Wednesday, 2nd December.…
- Good news indeed! However, the Covid-safe protocols are still very important – wash hands / sanitise hands plus anything else you touch including the plastic chairs. Keep 2m distant from other people.
- Don’t forget to sign in on arrival and departure from the club, printing your name and times.
- If anything else relevant to the club emerges on Thursday, we will let you know as soon as possible.
Regards, Judith
Message Date: Thursday 5th November 2020
Just to confirm that the club is now closed for the duration of the lockdown..
Despite the LTA and tennis community making a strong case to Government, we can confirm that the new restrictions mean that tennis activity in England is not permitted for the duration of the national lockdown, as a result of the closure of all outdoor and indoor facilities. The only exceptions to this are for elite tennis players, and for tennis activity in schools, colleges and other educational establishments as part of education.
Whilst we are disappointed with the outcome, we must urge all involved with tennis in England to adhere to the decision that the Government has taken.
We know these restrictions will have a significant impact on the whole tennis community, and our focus now will switch to campaigning to ensure that as much grassroots tennis activity as possible can resume as soon as possible, including both indoor and outdoor tennis.
LTA Chief Executive Scott Lloyd has today (4 November) provided a more detailed update on the latest coronavirus restrictions in England – read it via the link below:
Message Date: Tuesday 3rd November 2020
Dear members,
I hope all are keeping safe and well as we enter this further period of lockdown. As I know you will have seen in the news, as from Thursday sports venues will be required to close. It was hoped that tennis courts would be allowed to remain open and indeed the LTA have been lobbying the government since the announcement for an exemption to apply for tennis . However, the LTA have now advised that the government will not be allowing this to happen and as from Thursday, our club and courts will be closed until 2nd December.
Of course, the legislation to bring this in to effect still is required to pass through Parliament on Wednesday but we have to expect that this is what will happen and prepare to close the club and courts from Wednesday evening. The Committee and I know how disappointing this news is but whether we agree with lockdown or not, we have to play our part in helping to supress the virus so we can hopefully return to a full-playing season next year.
Please do keep updated via the LTA website and the latest news can be found via—latest-advice/
This is only for a period of 4 weeks and hopefully, once we reach 2nd December, we can return to what we have been doing. We will keep you updated if there is any change and I would like to say thank you to all members who have followed the guidance we have had to implement; your co-operation is very much appreciated.
Please all continue to stay safe and keep well,
Message Date: Saturday 3rd October 2020
Following the coming into force of the new restrictions in the Liverpool City Region (of which Sefton is a part), the decision has been taken to close off the indoor seating areas of the clubhouse. Access to the clubhouse is still possible for the use of the toilets and for water but groups (regardless of social bubble or household) should not sit indoors at any time.
Spectating is not permitted and mixing socially outdoors is discouraged. The green chairs outside will remain but solely for the purpose of club sessions when players are waiting to play. Players should not mix with others outside of their household/social bubble before or after the playing session.
Thank you
Your Committee
Message Date: Monday 14th September
Updated LTA Guidelines to comply with Rule of Six
As you are aware, new rules regarding gatherings have come into force today – Monday 14 September.
The Club continues to follow the guidance set by the LTA for venues which can be found here :-
LTA Guidance for Tennis Venues
and for players:-
LTA Guidance for Tennis Players
We continue to ask all members to do their bit by
- signing in and out on arrival and departure
- observing social distancing at all times
- sanitising on arrival and leaving the club as well as cleaning any surfaces or chairs that you may have touched
Thank you to everyone to date who has complied with the rules so we can carry on playing tennis.
Looking at the new rules, the Committee would like to draw your attention to the following:-
- The LTA guidance sets out that the Government has provided an exemption for organised activity for larger groups which includes coached sessions, competitions and club nights.
- At present, we have several organised club sessions which occur at the following times:-
1330 – 1700 Saturday
0930 – 1200 Sunday
1330 – 1600 Monday afternoon
1700 – 2030 Monday evening
1330 – 1600 Tuesday afternoon
1330 –1600 Wednesday afternoon
- During the above times, we are able to continue to play as we have done previously but would ask that you read the Event Plan to understand how the sessions must work. Club Session – Event Plan
- All play falling outside of the above time will be regarded as ‘Informal social play’ and therefore will be restricted to no more than 6 people as per the Government guidelines. E.g. it is possible to have a pre-arranged 4 but you would not be able to swap over players with any other pre-arranged 4 who happened to be at the club at the same time.
- Over the next few days, there will be additional signage put up around the bar area with additional floor markings to protect you and the person behind the bar. Only one person must approach the bar at any one time. Chairs and tables will be arranged so there will no more than 4 to a table. Please do not move these.
Every one of us must do all we can to avoid any cases of Covid which could close the club (albeit temporarily).
Message Date: Thursday 16th July 2020
Updated LTA Guidelines
- LTA Covid 19 guidelines were updated on Monday. Members must not to come to the club for any reason if you, or anyone in your household, has symptoms of Covid 19, currently recognised as – A HIGH TEMPERATURE, A NEW CONTINUOUS COUGH, A LOSS OF, OR CHANGE TO, THEIR SENSE OF SMELL OR TASTE. Should an individual have demonstrated any such symptoms, they must follow NHS and PHE guidelines on self-isolation.
- To support NHS Test and Trace, the club will keep a temporary record of ALL those on site for 21 days which will assist with that data if needed. On arrival at the club, please make it your first priority to print your name and time of arrival in the folder provided on the veranda. THIS WILL START ON SATURDAY 18th July. Please bring your own pen if you feel you wish to. Again, PLEASE remember to adhere to the safety rules of washing your hands regularly, using the sanitisers provided and keeping your distance! Wipes are also provided which MUST be used after you have used a chair. The kitchen remains closed for refreshments but may be used for hand washing and water to drink…glasses must be washed after use.
Message Date: Sunday 31st May 2020
Great News : We’re able to play Doubles !
Following the updated guidelines, published by the LTA today (31 May 2020), we can now ease a few restrictions that allows us to return to more normal conditions.
Effective immediately, the following changes are in place:
- Doubles play can now be played with persons from different households.
- Communal balls can now be used, so shall be re-instated immediately, Naturally people preferring to use their own balls would be equally acceptable.
- Use of the clubhouse remains unchanged for now, with kitchen off limits and only the bathrooms can be accessed.
Please remember that social distancing and hygiene will be imperative during this phase;
- Stay at least two metres away from other players (including during play, when taking breaks and before and after play)
- Do not make physical contact with other players (such as shaking hands or high fives)
- Hand hygiene is imperative – use alcohol gel (provided in the clubhouse) to clean your hands after touching a shared surface
- If you need to sneeze or cough, do so into a tissue or upper sleeve
- Avoid touching your face
Coached sessions may now be limited to groups of no more than 6 people,
including the coach(es).
The following link takes you to the specific detail from the LTA:—latest-advice/
Message Date: Tuesday 12th May 2020
Great News : We’re able to re-open TOMORROW!!
Following the advice offered by Government and LTA ,we are now able to re-open the club for play, but with a few restrictions.
Firstly, we need to stress that these guidelines are in relation to our facility, and should be read in parallel with the general advice for individuals/families from the Government.
Throughout your entire time at the club, Social Distancing of 2m must be observed, and we encourage you to bring sanitising products to clean whatever you touch.
Singles play is permitted with one person from outside your household.
Doubles play is permitted but only with members of the same household. To be very clear, it is not permitted to play doubles with a person from outside your household.
Social Play will now be re-initiated to promote as much healthy, responsible play as possible in line with the play restrictions above. Those times that are historically gender orientated (i.e. ladies and men’s afternoons) are disregarded during this period to encourage as much play as possible.
Adjacent courts may be used, but it is preferred that alternate courts are used where numbers allow, i.e. the outer courts of 3-5 and 6-8.
Nets can be left up in order to minimise the need to adjust them. Measuring sticks to be left on the veranda.
Balls ; We will not be providing balls during this period of restricted play. Please ensure you only touch your own tennis balls, and use your racket otherwise. In order to offer a degree of compensation (as balls are inclusive in the subs), then one further month is being deducted from the Subs fees.
One to One Coaching is now permitted, arrangements to be made directly with Rob as usual.
Partial Clubhouse Opening : Only the toilets are to be utilised inside the clubhouse, including for hand washing. Members are not to loiter inside. All chairs are put away, table tennis is not permitted, and all other rooms are off limits except the toilets. You should only be inside the clubhouse for the bare minimum amount of time.
Kitchen : Strictly off limits. Kettles are removed and fridge turned off. Please bring your own refreshments.
Veranda : Most furniture has been put away, but some plastic chairs have been left out. Please follow hygiene advice when using the chairs, both before and after use.
Cleaning ; we will engage our cleaner again to keep things as clean as possible, and Committee members will routinely wipe down handles, doors and surfaces.
Remember the virus can survive on hard surfaces, so if you are touching anything (e.g. gate handles, net winders, net cords, net measures, plastic chairs) then please use protection or sanitise / wash your hands.
Membership Fees will now be deemed collectable, and will be due by the end of June. Using the calculation stated previously, we have prorated the value down by 1 month for April being lost, plus an extra month to allow for balls.
The revised subs now calculate as follows;
Full – £139
Family – £278
Country – £82
Intermediate – £62
Junior – £49
Mini – £26
Social – £20 (no change)
For those members who have already paid their subscription for the 2020 – 2021 Season, a refund may be requested (from Dave Eyes: email to to align your subscription to the prorated value.
New members will also qualify for this reduction before the end of August.
The fundamental responsibilities still remain with individuals, and so the club must again reiterate the advice regarding symptoms and isolation:
· If an individual starts with a fever or a new continuous cough, they must isolate for 7 days if they live alone
· If a family member starts with these symptoms, the family isolation period is 14 days
Report a close or direct link of a Covid-19 Case to the club ; We must ask all members to advise the club if you or a family member start with Covid-19 symptoms, and if you have been on the premises in the 7 days previous.
These club guidelines have been formulated on the following LTA Guidance as issued on 11/05/20:
“Following further clarifications we have received from Government, tennis activity in England will be able to take place outdoors from Wednesday with singles play only, other than where players are all from the same household in which case they can play doubles.”
Further advice was also issued by the Government in an FAQ document on the same day, with some clarity re tennis:
“Sports courts can re-open, but you should only partake in such activities alone, with members of your household, or with one other person from outside your household, while practising social distancing. You should take particular care if you need to use any indoor facilities next to these outdoor courts, such as toilets.You should not use these facilities if you are showing coronavirus symptoms, or if you or any of your household are self-isolating.”
Message Date: Sunday 10th May 2020
Following this evening’s update from the PM, and the revised guidelines that exercise may now be unlimited BUT only with members of the same household, we need to consider the impact on the club.
Whilst we recognise there are a number of members that would be able to use our facility within these guidelines, our concern is the number of people who may concurrently use the club, thus raising the risk of breaching the social distancing rule and causing onward infection.
There is more detail yet to be forthcoming from the Commons over the next few days, and we still await formal advice from the LTA.
Once we have received this, we will reconsider the impact on the club.
To confirm, the club will remain closed at this time.
Message Date: Sunday 5th April 2020
Membership (Subs) Update
We hope that you and yours are keeping as safe and sane as possible in these strange times.
The following has been agreed by committee –
- Subs payable in May would be 11/12 of value
- Subs payable in June would be 10/12 of value
- Subs payable in July would be 9/12 of value
- Subs payable in Aug would be 8/12 of value
- Subs payable after 1st September shall remain as 50%.
* If the club opens after the 20th of the month, the calculation shall defer to the following month.
The above arrangement is for playing members, not social members.
Subscription renewal letters will not be re-issued. An email to all members (or copy of the email posted to the few not on email) shall communicate what the revised subscription values will be.
For those members who have already paid their subscription for the 2020 – 2021 Season, a refund will be offered to align their subscription to the prorated value.
Message Date: Wednesday 25th March 2020
UPDATE 25th March 2020
Message Date: Tuesday 24th March 2020
The Prime Minister’s announcement of severe social restrictions on Monday 23rd March has impacted our tennis club further.
- Libraries, playgrounds, outdoor gyms and places of worship will also close
- Gatherings of more than two people (excluding people who live together) will be banned
- Parks will remain open but people are only to go out to exercise once a day
We are working closely with both the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) and Sport England to help to fully assess the implications this latest advice has for tennis in Britain over the coming weeks.
Following the Government’s announcement (Friday 20 March) that social spaces such as pubs, gyms and leisure centres must close, all tennis clubhouses and similar social facilities should be closed as soon as possible.
Courts however can remain open for use to help ensure people remain active, subject to strict social distancing and hygiene practices being employed.”
- Courts will remain open for people from the same household ONLY. Strict social distancing and hygiene guidance must be adhered to, particularly if other people are present at the club.
- This must be your one form of exercise for the day – please behave responsibly in this regard.
- The clubhouse shall now be totally off limits.
- Balls will no longer be provided.
- All coaching is hereby suspended.
Message Date: Saturday 21st March 2020.
The LTA have today updated their advice, following Friday’s direction from Government to close a number of establishments.
According to the LTA ; “The Department of Culture, Media and Sport has specifically advised us that tennis is one of the best examples of social distancing in practice, and so should be encouraged as long as the guidance permits”
To this end, we are making further changes to how the club operates, however we reiterate that we are remaining open for social tennis.
Partial Clubhouse Closure : Only the toilets are to be utilised inside the clubhouse, including for hand washing. Members are not to loiter inside, even if it’s cold outside. All chairs are put away, table tennis is not permitted, and all other rooms are off limits except the toilets. You should only be inside the clubhouse the the bare minimum amount of time.
Kitchen : Strictly off limits. Kettles are removed and fridge turned off. Please bring your own refreshments.
Veranda : Most furniture has been put away, but some plastic chairs have been left out. Please follow hygiene advice when using the chairs, both before and after use. Remember – it’s hard surfaces that the virus last on longest.
Monday & Tuesday nights : in lieu of the league starting (more when we know about that), we’d like Monday and Tuesday evenings to continue in the theme of match practice. This is so that we all have the opportunity to get fresh air and exercise as we would do normally. Floodlight will be provided Free of Charge to avoid the need of token usage.
Balls : We’ve decided to continue providing balls. Again hygiene guidelines should be followed strictly before and after playing. The ball cupboard door is propped open to prevent handle contact – please leave it this way.
Coaching : Again, LTA recognise the importance of being able to continue playing sport – tennis in particular. Coaching will continue, with self-distancing and hygiene being enforced by the coach. It is possible that additional mini-camps will be set up to help keep children entertained and healthy whilst off school. This will be advertised accordingly.
The fundamental responsibilities remain with each individual, and so the club must again reiterate the advice regarding symptoms and isolation:
- If an individual starts with a fever or a new continuous cough, they must isolate for 7 days if they live alone
- If a family member starts with these symptoms, the family isolation period is 14 days
- provides the latest advice regarding hygiene advice and how to try to stop the spread of the virus
Reporting a close or Direct link of a Covid-19 Case to the club ; The first thing we must ask all members is to advise the club if you or a family member start with Covid-19 symptoms, and if you have been on the premises in the 7 days previous. In particular the club wish to be informed of the advice you have secured through the NHS.
NOTE: If there is a very strong link between the club and a confirmed case of Covid-19, the club shall take advice from Public health England, and what course of action should entail thereafter.
Cleansing ; we have engaged the services of our cleaner on a more frequent basis, in order to keep frequently touched hard surfaces clean within the clubhouse. Equally we would encourage members to help with cleaning where they are prepared to help out. Products will be kept out and available to use.
Social Tennis & Interaction Outside ; we wish for members to continue playing tennis as a key aspect of maintaining health (and in the times ahead – sanity). In order to achieve this, the simple steps of increased hygiene and physical non-contact / distancing should be maintained.
We have done everything practically possible to keep the facility at least partly open, rather than shut completely such as other clubs have done, as we recognise many people will have comfort needs whilst at the club.
Please adhere to these restrictions so that we can continue to allow access to the clubhouse.
Many thanks for your patience and understanding.
The Committee
Message Date: Wednesday 18th March 2020.
Following an emergency committee meeting, we can confirm the latest club position concerning Coronavirus.
We are all faced with unprecedented times ahead – that we can all agree on.
As a sporting club, we have to strike a fine balance between reacting to a virus with negative health implications, versus our club offering a sporting outlet that will uphold or improve health, which assists in how our bodies fight the virus.
Whilst the club can play an active role in helping our nation through these difficult times, we cannot be ignorant of the seriousness of the virus and just carry on unchanged. We have a responsibility to our members (and indirectly to their families), and so must behave responsibly in how we continue to operate for the weeks and months ahead whilst the nation recovers from Coronavirus.
Further, the demographic of our club puts a number of members immediately within those groups that are to be immediately shielded from the virus, which is of particular concern to the committee.
In practical terms, it is not intend to close the club – placing it under lock and key. Our members will vote with their feet with regard protecting themselves, and we anticipate a great many will wish to carry on exercising and socialising (as much as that term is nor frowned upon) for as long as possible.
However this will put a fundamental responsibility on each individual, and so the club must reiterate the advice regarding symptoms and isolation:
· If an individual starts with a fever or a new continuous cough, they must isolate for 7 days if they live alone
· If a family member starts with these symptoms, the family isolation period is 14 days
· provides the latest advice regarding hygiene advice and how to try to stop the spread of the virus
· Our ability to continue operating a [relatively] safe environment for our members depends on individuals being responsible about this.
We are today putting a plan into action that will slightly re-shape how the club will operate until further notice.
Reporting a close or Direct link of a Covid-19 Case to the club ; The first thing we must ask all members is to advise the club if you or a family member start with Covid-19 symptoms, and if you have been on the premises in the 7 days previous. In particular the club wish to be informed of the advice you have secured through the NHS.
NOTE: If there is a very strong link between the club and a confirmed case of Covid-19, the club shall take advice from Public health England, and what course of action should entail thereafter.
Cleansing ; we shall engage the services of our cleaner on a more frequent basis, in order to keep frequently touched hard surfaces clean within the clubhouse. Equally we would encourage members to help with cleaning where they are prepared to help out. Products will be kept out and available to use.
Social Tennis & Interaction Outside ; we wish for members to continue playing tennis as a key aspect of maintaining health (and in the times ahead – sanity). In order to achieve this, the simple steps of increased hygiene and physical non-contact / distancing should be maintained.
Social interaction within the clubhouse ; Similar to social tennis; hygiene, social distancing and isolation upon presentation of symptoms are imperative.
Coaching ; the balance of low viral risk to/via children versus offering what will be a valuable outlet for children to exercise (and a break for parents) has led us to decide to continue offering coaching per usual. This includes individual & group coaching and Easter Camps.
Socials ; this aspect is clear, in terms of advice from the Government. We will cancel all social functions from this point on, starting with the Good Friday Walk. Private bookings will also be cancelled, as we do not wish to introduce people unfamiliar to the club and the risk (albeit low at this time) of them introducing the virus to our club members, or vice versa.
S&D League ; indications are that the League Committee are meeting soon to decide the fate of this year’s league. It may be either delayed or cancelled outright. We will advise as soon as we know more.
Remember, many of us will be afraid during these times, and there will be a great deal of anxiety and possibly frustration. Lets all keep up the support of each other, and we’ll get through this as unscathed as possible.